* 50 clues - GRAMMAR *





Libreria AVALON 2000


This book has not been written to compete either with school-textbooks, neither with SPANISH GRAMMAR books of 500 or 800 pages, aimed at University students and teachers.

This is a work directed to students and/or teachers of Primary and Secondary schools who wish to have compiled in 1 volume the numerous RULES and EXCEPTIONS - concerning Morphology and Syntax - which are "scattered" along the more than eighty lessons that may include studies of Primary and Secondary courses.

Due to the book format and number of pages this GRAMMAR provides EASY handling.

The structure and summary tables will be EASY to understand and memorize.

Because of its 40 pages about "Special Difficulties", and its 33 models of IRREGULAR verbs, you had wished to have been able to consult it long ago.

Its "INDEX" General “50 CLUES” and Alphabetical will make searching EASY.

The INDEX entitled “50 STEPS” is for structuring the teaching in 50 progressive steps from minor to greater difficulty.

The information given in the ANNEX about SPAIN will be also very useful for you all.

* LIBRERÍA Avalon 2000 *

- Tannay GARDENS -

- Tannay GARDENS -

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This book is not to be reproduced "in whole or in part" – neither is allowed the transmission, sale or storage by any form or means - either written text, images, illustrations, drawings, signs, graphs, maps, cover designs and graphic design, photography , layout and/or summary tables) - whether for processing, either electrical, mechanical, manual, chemical, optical, recording or photocopying, recording or by any other method, without the prior written permission of the owner of the intellectual property. The violation of these rights may constitute an offense against “Intellectual Property” (Article 270 of the Criminal Code).

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EDITORIAL Círculo Rojo € 39 (libro impreso) Julio 2013 / DESCUENTO 33% (Agosto 2015)

EDITORIAL Círculo Rojo ( Spain) June 2013 (39€) ISBN 978-84-9050-19 * Depósito Legal: AL-572/2013

E-BOOK (blanco y negro) 9 €


- ORANGE blossoms -

Castillo TEMPLARIO (Ponferrada)

Castillo TEMPLARIO (Ponferrada)
Castillo Templario * PONFERRADA (León)

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

* CARDINAL numbers *

Clue 9 -                             NUMERAL  adjectives

CARDINAL  numbers

 1  =  uno
11  =  once
   33  =  TREINTA  y  tres
 2  =  dos
12  =  doce
22  =  veintidós
   44  =  CUARENTA y cuatro
 3  =  tres
13  =  trece
23  =  veintitrés
   55  =  CINCUENTA y cinco
 4  =  cuatro
14  =  catorce
24  =  veinticuatro
   66  =  SESENTA y séis
 5  =  cinco
15  =  quince
25  =  veinticinco
   77  =  SETENTA y siete
 6  =  seis
26  =  veintiséis
   88  =  OCHENTA y ocho
 7  =  siete
17  = diecisiete
27  =  veintisiete
   99  =  NOVENTA y nueve
 8  =  ocho
18  =  dieciocho
28  =  veintiocho
  100  = CIEN
 9  =  nueve
19  =  diecinueve
29  =  veintinueve
1.000 = MIL
10 =  DIEZ
20  =  VEINTE
30  =  TREINTA
1.000.000 = un MILLÓN

a)   In singular only MILLÓN – BILLÓN - TRILLÓN  must be preceded by the indefinite article
       UN   :-     un millón – un billón – un trillón.

b)   In plural we will have to add the ending  ES:- 2 millones - 3 billones - 4 trillones.

c)   Thousand = MIL  has not got a plural form in Spanish as regards Maths.

1,000 books = 1.000 libros = MIL libros/  3,000 books  =   3.000 libros = Tres MIL libros

d)   Please note that - in Spanish – we use “a point” to separate the thousand unit from the hundred unit:-  3.000 libros.

e)   But, we use “a comma” to separate the units from the decimals:-  3.283,50 €

f)  Also notice the symbol of the currency – in Spanish – is written AFTER the amount.

g)  CIEN (= one hundred) will become  CIENTO in plural or as soon as there will be any other number after it:- 123 = CIENTO veintitrés  / 200 = DOScientos / TREScientos

QUINIENTOS (500) / SETEcientos (700) /  NOVEcientos (900) are irregular forms.

h)   In English, you write the word  AND = y  after the word HUNDRED but in Spanish we write   Y   between dozens and  units , once we come up to number 16 (Not before!).

555 = Five hundred AND fifty-five.       555 = Quinientos cincuenta Y cinco.

i)  11 -12 -13 - 14 - 15  have particular forms:- once - doce - trece - catorce - quince.

j)  From 16 to 19   y   will become   i   and the  z  will change to  c  :- 19 = diecinueve. 

k)   Numbers from 21 to 29  will become a single word losing their “e” :-  21 veintiuno.

l)  Also notice that  only AFTER the number  31 = treinta Y uno  we will write the   y    separating dozens from units, making a total of 3 words.