* 50 clues - GRAMMAR *





Libreria AVALON 2000


This book has not been written to compete either with school-textbooks, neither with SPANISH GRAMMAR books of 500 or 800 pages, aimed at University students and teachers.

This is a work directed to students and/or teachers of Primary and Secondary schools who wish to have compiled in 1 volume the numerous RULES and EXCEPTIONS - concerning Morphology and Syntax - which are "scattered" along the more than eighty lessons that may include studies of Primary and Secondary courses.

Due to the book format and number of pages this GRAMMAR provides EASY handling.

The structure and summary tables will be EASY to understand and memorize.

Because of its 40 pages about "Special Difficulties", and its 33 models of IRREGULAR verbs, you had wished to have been able to consult it long ago.

Its "INDEX" General “50 CLUES” and Alphabetical will make searching EASY.

The INDEX entitled “50 STEPS” is for structuring the teaching in 50 progressive steps from minor to greater difficulty.

The information given in the ANNEX about SPAIN will be also very useful for you all.

* LIBRERÍA Avalon 2000 *

- Tannay GARDENS -

- Tannay GARDENS -

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This book is not to be reproduced "in whole or in part" – neither is allowed the transmission, sale or storage by any form or means - either written text, images, illustrations, drawings, signs, graphs, maps, cover designs and graphic design, photography , layout and/or summary tables) - whether for processing, either electrical, mechanical, manual, chemical, optical, recording or photocopying, recording or by any other method, without the prior written permission of the owner of the intellectual property. The violation of these rights may constitute an offense against “Intellectual Property” (Article 270 of the Criminal Code).

Intellectual Property Registration * J.E.O. 00/2009/4005 * MADRID (Spain)

EDITORIAL Círculo Rojo € 39 (libro impreso) Julio 2013 / DESCUENTO 33% (Agosto 2015)

EDITORIAL Círculo Rojo ( Spain) June 2013 (39€) ISBN 978-84-9050-19 * Depósito Legal: AL-572/2013

E-BOOK (blanco y negro) 9 €


- ORANGE blossoms -

Castillo TEMPLARIO (Ponferrada)

Castillo TEMPLARIO (Ponferrada)
Castillo Templario * PONFERRADA (León)

lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

GALICIA celebrates Sant Iago TODAY 25th July 2016

       Faro de Hércules (A CORUÑA)                     NINFEO en Bande (LUGo)

              Plaza Mayor (OURENSE)                     CASTROS celtas (PONTevedra)

The landscape of GALICIA is lush, mountainous
and peppered with forests of pine and eucalyptus.

Located in the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula, it comprises FOUR provincesA CoruñaLugoOurensePontevedra.
To the North is the Cantabrian Sea. To the East, the Kingdoms of Asturias & León. To the South, is Portugal. To the West is bordered by the
GALICIA has an area of nearly 30,000 m2 (11,500 square miles) and a population of 3 million persons. Its costline has over 1,660 km (1,030 miles) including its multiple little islands.
The area nowadays called GALICIA was first inhabited by humans during the Middle PALEOLITHIC Period, and it takes its name from "The Gallaeci",  the CELTIC people living north of the DUERO River during the last millennium B.C., in a region largely coincidental with that of the IRON Age local Castro culture.
 FOOD.- Galicians  often uses FISH, seaffod, and shellfish. The "Pulpo a la Gallega" is its most famous dish. The "empanada" is a MEAT pie, with a bread-like base, top and crust with the meat filling usually being in a tomato sauce including onions and garlic. The "caldo gallego"  is a hearty SOUP whose main ingredients are potatoes and a local vegetable named "grelo" (Broccoli rabe).  
Galicia produces a number of high-quality WINES
GALICIA celebrates the Feast of its Patron saint YAGO.