* 50 clues - GRAMMAR *





Libreria AVALON 2000


This book has not been written to compete either with school-textbooks, neither with SPANISH GRAMMAR books of 500 or 800 pages, aimed at University students and teachers.

This is a work directed to students and/or teachers of Primary and Secondary schools who wish to have compiled in 1 volume the numerous RULES and EXCEPTIONS - concerning Morphology and Syntax - which are "scattered" along the more than eighty lessons that may include studies of Primary and Secondary courses.

Due to the book format and number of pages this GRAMMAR provides EASY handling.

The structure and summary tables will be EASY to understand and memorize.

Because of its 40 pages about "Special Difficulties", and its 33 models of IRREGULAR verbs, you had wished to have been able to consult it long ago.

Its "INDEX" General “50 CLUES” and Alphabetical will make searching EASY.

The INDEX entitled “50 STEPS” is for structuring the teaching in 50 progressive steps from minor to greater difficulty.

The information given in the ANNEX about SPAIN will be also very useful for you all.

* LIBRERÍA Avalon 2000 *

- Tannay GARDENS -

- Tannay GARDENS -

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EDITORIAL Círculo Rojo € 39 (libro impreso) Julio 2013 / DESCUENTO 33% (Agosto 2015)

EDITORIAL Círculo Rojo ( Spain) June 2013 (39€) ISBN 978-84-9050-19 * Depósito Legal: AL-572/2013

E-BOOK (blanco y negro) 9 €


- ORANGE blossoms -

Castillo TEMPLARIO (Ponferrada)

Castillo TEMPLARIO (Ponferrada)
Castillo Templario * PONFERRADA (León)

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013


“           -  ¡HAGAMOS deporte!
“ -        -   Let’s DO sport!
“   - ¡HAZte el pelo! (arréglate el pelo)
“ -        -   DO your hair!
“   - ¡HAGAMOS negocios!
“ -        -   Let’s DO business!

HACER  -   El HIZO un esfuerzo.
To MAKE -   He MADE an effort.
“            -   Mi abuela HIZO un pastel
“ -       -  My grandmother MADE a cake.
“     -  Estoy HACIENDO una estantería
“ -            -  I am MAKING a bookshelf.
“            -  ¡Por favor, HAZ la cena!
“ -            -  Please, MAKE the dinner!
“            -  Mi hija HACE progresos.
“ -      -  My daughter MAKES progress.
“            -  Yo he HECHO un error.
“ -            -   I have MADE a mistake.
“            -  Te voy a HACER una oferta.
“ -     - I am going to MAKE you an offer
“           -   ¡HAZ una llamada telefónica!
“ -            -    MAKE a call !
“            -   ¡ No HAGAIS ruido!
“ -            -    Don’t MAKE noise!
“            -   ¡ HAGAMOS un esfuerzo!
“ -            -    Let’s MAKE an effort!
“     - Permíteme HACER una sugerencia.
“ -     -    Let me, to MAKE a suggestion.
“           -     ¡HAGAMOS un viaje!
“ -            -    Let us MAKE a journey!

b)   There are also differences with the following verbs:-  QUERER (to love & to want) (page 56) – PRESTAR (to lend & to borrow) – GANAR (to win & to earn) – ESPERAR (to wait & to hope & to expect)- LLEVAR (to wear & to carry).

To LOVE -     She LOVES ME.
“             -   Yo QUIERO comer.
To WANT -    I WANT to eat.

PRESTAR -  Yo te PRESTO mi libro.
To LEND –      I LEND my book to you.
“               -  ¡ PRESTAME tu libro!.
To BORROW-  BORROW me your book!.

GANAR -     Ella GANÓ un premio.
To WIN  -      She WON a prize.
“           -     El GANA 1.000 € al mes.
To EARN - He EARNS € 1,000 a month.

 ESPERAR -  Yo ESPERO aprobar.
To HOPE -     I HOPE to pass my exams.
“         – Estoy ESPERANDO a mi madre.
“ WAIT– I’m WAITING for my mother.
“       –  ESPERO con placer sus noticias.
I LOOK forward to hearing from you.

LLEVAR– Él LLEVA pantalones vaqueros.
To WEAR -   He WEARS jeans.
“            – Ella LLEVA un bolso rojo.
To CARRY – She CARRIES a red bag.

c)  Sometimes, English language will use 3 different words and Spanish only ONE.

INFORMAR         (a  alguien)
To INFORM – to tell – to notify
INFORMAR        (de algo)
To REPORT (on something)     
INFORMARse de ... (uno mismo)
To INQUIRE into …               

III )   On the other hand, many times English speaking people will find that a single word in English must be translated to SPANISH with “several words”.

Poner en orden    (colocar debidamente)
“ -
Dar ordenes (ordenar algo a alguien )
“ -
Disponer – mandar
“ -
Pedir – encargar mercancías – comida
“ -               away
Despedir- echar (a alguien)
“ -                 in
Mandar entrar 
“ -                out
Mandar salir
To CALL -  She is CALLED “godmother”.
A ella la LLAMAN “madrina”.
“ -           -  Tomorrow I will CALL you.
Mañana te VISITARÉ.
To HOLD – Please, HOLD this bottle!
¡SOSTÉN – agarra esta botella!
“         - The party will be HOLD today.
La fiesta se CELEBRARÁ hoy.
To SAVE –  Good SAVE the queen!
¡Que Dios SALVE a la reina!
“    - He SAVES some money each moth.
Él AHORRA algo de dinero cada mes.

IV )  In English the same word is used either as a NOUN or as a VERB:

a)  This is NOT so in Spanish. We may use a derivate word, sometimes “similar”:-

FISH         -  I love FISH !
PESCADO - ¡Me encanta el PESCADO!
To FISH    -  They FISH a lot!
PESCAR     -  Ellas PESCAN un montón.

b)  But many other times the meanings can be quite ODD:-

BOOK       -  I have bought a BOOK.
LIBRO   -      Yo he comprado un LIBRO.
To BOOK  -  I BOOKED a single room.
RESERVAR – RESERVÉ una habitación.
TRAIN    -   I used to travel by TRAIN.
TREN   -       Yo solía viajar en TREN.
To TRAIN - Athletes TRAIN everyday.
ENTRENAR – Los atletas ENTRENAN...
NOTICE -  Important NOTICE for all!
AVISO -  ¡AVISO importante para ...!
To   ”  -      Did you NOTICE her dress?
PERCATARse ¿Te percataste de ...?
MIND       -  Your MIND is strong.
MENTE -       Tu mente es fuerte.
To  “  - Do you MIND me opening the …?
IMPORTAR-¿Te importa que abra la...?
STAND –There are 8 STANDs at the …
ESTANTE – soporte – tablado – kiosco 
To STAND – He cannot STAND her.
AGUANTAR – soportar / estar de pie